Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Jesus Light My Fire!!

Jesus and I are relighting the fire in our relationship. I recently returned from the Desperation Conference in Colorado this last week and i seriously had an encounter with the living God. I came home and about 6 hours later after a 22 hour drive home, i was back on the road headed to another camp in Santa Cruz...crazy huh,,,,it seemed like it was two weeks of Jesus It has been so crazy lately because really i haven't been able to "feel" the crazy intense power of God physically at these camps, but my heart and soul see it everywhere in my life the more i run to Him and pursue him wholeheartedly. Through these camps i have truly been equipped with not only an experience, but tools for life in following Christ. I look back on my life and see how God has taken care of me, and even day by day how he provides and makes a way for me. God really challenged me this last week to build my love for Him, finding new ways to truly worship, and build our relationship. I love my God, and He is so worthy of all praise and adoration. Let me explain...
Think of that one person you absolutely love, the person that seems to make the world go away, and when you look into their eyes everything just seems right and their words so assuring, think of the corny smile you have when you talk to them and how your heart fills with joy when they're times that by a hundred, shake, stir and let it boil... there you have the amazing love that i have found, and will continue to find in the arms of God. I'm so excited about this new love that i have found and i want to encourage you to seek to love God in new ways, if someone said they loved you everyday for the rest of their lives it wouldn't mean much if they didn't make that love true, real, and growing each day right?? God we're in pursuit of a growing love relationship with you, because you first loved us!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Searching For Silver

Well i'm back, reality took very little time to set in. I have a lot ahead of me, from district apps and references to the daily grind of whatever my day brings. It's not something that was unexpected or caught me off guard, because i knew eventually i would feel this way. I've got the chance to pick up alot of the teams coming home from mission trips this summer. It's so great to hear their stories, what God did, what they ate, or where they went. I remember the same kind of feeling, not this crazy mountaintop experience or anything, but enough to affirm me in my calling and what God has for me. So now I'm back to "regular" life, whatever that means, and it's time to feed myself again.

Being on the missionfield you live and breathe service to God, ministering to people and helping people. Its like a constant filling emptying and refilling of Gods spirit. And then you come home, and you run off that for a while, thanking God for what he's done, and all of a sudden its back to the daily choices, trials, and temptations of life. That same life and breath of service to God is no longer as easy as it was, but now a constant choice. I'm learning and have learned that almost everything in life is a choice. The choice to do good, the choice to do evil, the choice to be unproductive, the choice to engage. With everything comes a breaking point in which you will choose to further Gods kingdom, slow it down, break it down, or simply be happy with the way it is. I have found that the answer or at least primary thing we must seek with all these choices is wisdom. Proverbs 2 instructs us to ask God for wisdom because he will grant us that wisdom when we cry out for insight. It says to search for wisdom like we would search for silver or treasure and then we will understand the fear of the lord and gain knowledge of Him. God can and will give us the wisdom we need to get through times of choice...which for me is everyday.

Along with that James 1:5-6 says in the NMT(New Manuel Translation) "Go ahead and ask for wisdom from God, because he will give it to you. But make sure you trust in the wisdom he has given you, not doubting what he has spoken" Sometimes when God gives us the wisdom to make a decision, we are still tempted to go against what we know He wants us to do. The bible describes people like that as waves in the sea tossed back and forth. I don't know about you, but i only want to move forward with my lord, not stationary, and definitely not away. So lets search, receive, and use the wisdom that God has so graciously made available!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Monday, July 02, 2007

Brazil 07'

When i describe my experience in Brazil i find myself saying the word "amazing" over and over again because everything was truly amazing! My team, the ministry, food, people, culture, and landscape was like nothing i've experienced before. I'll try to break it down but understand that words cannot even begin to explain the AMAZING things that happened.

The Team:
Most of my team was from Oakdale where Pastor Andrew Huson, the trip leader lives and pastors. We had about 14 people on the team and each individual did their part to serve and be open to whatever God wanted to do during our time there. We worked with Pastor Rodney Huson and his wife Corral during our time in Brazil. They have been missionaries to Brazil for quite some time along with most of the Huson lineage. Our team clicked right off the bat and we were able to have effective ministry because we were united together as well as with the father.
Ministry ran through our veins for 12 days, everything you could think of; church services, youth convention services, street outreach, school service, church building projects we did it all. We had a great human video we did at least once at every church we visited, we also had a 4 part skit we did for our youth convention services. Each church service was full of the power and conviction of Christ, Pastor Andrew did an amazing job in his obedience to the word the God gave him for the people of Brazil, even though we heard the same message each night, it carried fresh annointing and power each night, i think i got saved at least 7 times...haha. We also did a worship song here and there if churches wanted,with Tommy on guitar, Tina singing, and me on drums, "Shout to the Lord" proved to be a current hit in most towns. Spending time at a beautiful school that a missionary started was so great. Escuela Anntoinette Johnson in Vargina was full of kids who loved and understood Christ's love, it was such a blessing just to play soccer, jump rope, and run around with the children. We also got the privelage of working on a church building project for two days while in Vargina. During that time we helped make, pour, and shovel concrete, move a large pile of dirt, and clean up the construction site itself. After completion the new church will seat up to 1,500 people and should be finished by November 08'. While in Rio de Janeiro we held an evening service at a park, we were able to set up the PA system and preach the word openly with the park and streets full of people. During our time in Brazil we saw a little more than 70 people come to Christ for the first time and many filled with the Holy Spirit. We greeted, smiled, and prayed for hundreds and we know that God fulfilled His work in each one.

For the first few days it seemed like all we did was eat! Brazilian food is great and they wanted us to take EVERY opportunity to eat it! You could find meat, rice, and beans at every meal no matter what and thats just the bare minimum! They also made us a few different kinds of spaghetti and made sure we had some mashed potatoes...interesting combo i know. Brazil officially has the BEST SODA EVER it tastes great and is made from a special berry only found in Brazil its called Guarana. We had our fill of Guarana for sure, every meal we would down at least 6 liters of this stuff as a team. Too bad they don't sell it in the states.Brazillian coffee is also by far the best i've had. puts Starbucks to shame!! If your ever in Brazil you have to visit what they call a Chuhascaria. Its a very nice restaurant where about 4 waiters circle your table for about an hour offering different kinds of meat. The meat is cut right in front of you and is the best ever. I had about 6 different types of meat that night including Ram which tasted alot like New York steak,,,mmm. I also had caviar (spellings probably off) as well as sushi for the first time. After all the meat guys stopped circling us, we had desert... about 3 plates of desert!! The Brazilians love to eat, if it was a sport they'd win every game.

Love the people. So hospitable and kind it felt like home everywhere we went. They love soccer and if your favorite team differs from theirs, prepare for battle...haha Like i said they love to complaining here. Also something i thought was interesting is that everyone looks a lot younger than what they are. We kept on getting surprised at the ages of some of the people we met...its something in the water. I can't deny it, the woman of Brazil are truly beautiful, not a lot of make up or expensive clothes...just beautiful. I've learned while being in Brazil that it is illegal to have your elbow out the window while in the car, no matter your weight men wear speedos at the beach, and that apparently i resemble Trey from Highschool Musical and my all-time favorite... Harry Potter.

Terrain, Weather, Attractions Ect.:
The beaches were gorgeous, the water warm, and the weather just right. It was actually winter while we were there but you would never guess. The jungle was pretty jungly lol we never did find the anacondas though...we did see a bunch of monkeys though. All kinds of tourist attractions mainly in Rio de Janeiro. We visited Christ the Redeemer which gave us a beautiful view overlooking the city. The last morning we were in Rio a few of us got up at like 6:30 and went swimming in the Atlantic, in the rain, watching the sun come up as the tide came of the coolest experiences i've ever had. I'll be back in Rio someday, somehow...HONEYMOON BABY!!

I had the time of my life in Brazil, intense ministry and intense play time. It was the perfect balance of both and it made for an incredible trip!