Monday, September 17, 2007

Sunsets and Daydreams

Amazed by your glory
Humbled in awe
The earth declares you are God

Captured by beauty
Silenced in splendor
Let hearts arise in song

Exalting with praise
You alone are worthy
The stars remember your face

Mountains look up
Oceans feel small
Mankind can't fathom your grace

From seed to redwood
Spring to Fall
Is creation alone not a sign?

Of a master, creator
Father of all
The one outside of time?

Is the sun not shining?
Moon not glowing?
Do your ears hear, and eyes see?

Then sing, praise
Shout and dance
For life abounds to thee

Seconds don't hesitate
They leave no legacy
Unless a change is made

To bring to life
Every lasting moment
To accept what our Savior paid

Freedom, purpose
Life in the fullest
Friendship with the Father himself

We can have nothing
And yet have everything
For true Life, is true wealth

Amazed by your Glory
Humbled in awe
The earth declares you are God!